

I took up the cello while living in the woods.  I have some classical training and a mathematical approach to theory.

Waltz in Five

May 12th, 2006 + 10:05 AM  ·  bushcellist

Originally written for Drum'n'cello, this polyrhythm study works best on piano.

Circular Breathing

April 3rd, 2006 + 3:04 PM  ·  bushcellist

I am trying to explain to someone how to circular breathe but without success.

My explanation is essentially this:

- Breathe out through your mouth (i.e. play your instrument normally)
- Breathe in through your nose while expelling air out of your mouth as if you were squirting water (but maintain your emboucher)
- Repeat

How can I improve this explanation?

Score Forum

March 31st, 2006 + 9:03 AM  ·  bushcellist

You can get feedback for your audio and lyrics - how about a forum for leadsheets, scores and tabs?

Theory Books

March 30th, 2006 + 4:03 PM  ·  bushcellist

Buried somewhere on BandAMP Entheon Recommended two books:

The Jazz Theory Book
by Mark Levine
ISBN: 1883217040

A Chromatic Approach to Jazz Harmony and Melody
by Dave Leibman
ISBN: 3892210306

Already owning the first, and trusting his judgement, I am buying the second.  I would also like to make a qualified recommendation for the book:

Harmony for a New Millennium
by Randy Sandke
ISBN: 6340-4426-5

I only recommend it to people who are interested in dissonant chords, and are already familiar with diatonic and altered chords.  What Sandke offers is a new naming system that I hope catches on.  The book lays out and names all the 4-note chords in a way that makes them easy to understand and use.  The second half of the book is a novel composition method that is not for everybody but I believe the first half will enhance communication between musicians who use it.
Alias: bushcellist
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Joined: March 17th, 2006
Last login: March 05th, 2012

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